Supporting Student Success[View All]
Irene Aleman
Truman College
Prior to becoming the Wellness Center coordinator at Truman College, Irene Aleman provided mental health case management for marginalized communities in Chicago. That work propelled her interest in her current role, as the Wellness Center provides free mental health services and support for other basic needs to Truman College students. Irene is often the first...
Mechelle Rodriguez
Wright College
Mechelle Rodriguez, administrative assistant to the dean of instruction at Wright College, is dedicated to making sure class schedules are organized and efficient semester after semester. Mechelle’s work, which she describes as both challenging and fun, not only supports her direct colleagues and office, but it sets both faculty and students up for a successful...
Veronica Sek
Malcolm X College
The first few weeks at a job are challenging—you’re adjusting to a new role, new coworkers, and a new company culture. On top of that, Malcolm X College Senior Director of Health Sciences Veronica Sek’s first day fell on the day the State of Illinois enacted a stay-at-home order due to COVID-19. She had no...